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Herbal Medicine & Iridology


Herbal Medicine is a traditional form of treatment derived from plants. Today it combines empirical knowledge with modern science and research. According to the World Health Organisation herbal medicine is still the most commonly used in the world today.

Herbal Medicine comes in liquid extract. It’s purely the dry plant material combined with ethanol and water. There are no other additives and due to the manufacturing process extracts have greater absorption, more economical and can be easily blended by Karen into a unique formulation to meet your needs.

Karen identifies and address’s the root cause of your illness as opposed to just treating the symptoms, creating lasting health benefits.

Herbal Medicine is safe and effective when administered by a qualified practitioner.

What to Expect

During your initial consultation, I take a full history to address various aspects of your health. This comprehensive approach includes your presenting condition, personal and family medical history, diet and lifestyle, mineral deficiency assessment and iridology – which looks at your iris to identify a person’s susceptibility to specific diseases as well as indicating health issues.

Based on the gathered information, I will create an individualised treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. This plan may include any required changes to your diet and lifestyle. I will prescribe an individual mix of herbal medicine that I will make for you along with a mineral or two and any additional nutritional supplements if necessary.  

Whether you are dealing with acute or chronic conditions, my naturopathic approach can provide support. This includes but is not limited to stress and anxiety reduction, detoxification, immune support, hormonal support, skin conditions, and a wide range of other health concerns.

I am here to assist you on your journey towards wellness for a healthier and happier you 😊


What I offer


On-line consultations and In-person in my clinic in Cromer Tues, Weds, Thurs, & Sat

On-line consultations make appointments accessible to anyone. All you need is an internet connection.  I will send you a private zoom link for the video call.  This can be accessed on your computer or mobile phone. At the scheduled appointment time click on the link to join the meeting.

If you don’t have this or prefer a phone consultation, this is also possible.

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