Do you suffer with Pain, Anxiety,
Physical or Emotional Trauma?
Imagine how your life could be
If you were no longer held back
by trauma & stories from your past.
The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you're not going to stay where you are
- J.P.Morgan Everyone feels stuck every once in a while even me
Apologies Karen is currently Not taking bookings due to a broken wrist & having undergone surgery. She hopes to resume Herbal Medicine consultations in March and Biodynamic craniosacral therapy following this and Massage in April. If you are a current client please contact Karen direct for repeat prescriptions. Thank you for your understanding & patience at this time.
Feeling pain anywhere in your body such as your back, knee, ankle, shoulder, or head ?
Restless, difficulty truly relaxing ?
Feeling dizzy and off balance ?
Saying I never have the time ?
Binging on alcohol or chocolate ?
Feeling overwhelmed or stuck ?
Holding yourself back, unable to achieve the things that you really want in life ?
Lacking confidence ?
Struggling with your relationships ?
Having panic attacks ?
Having developed another condition, such as breathlessness, heart palpitations, digestive issues, restless legs, chronic fatigue, sinusitis, a skin condition or hormonal issues ?
Do you ever find yourself...
You may have felt anxious or depressed, it has become the norm,
I understand you may have felt like nothing will help.
Would you like to overcome any of this and
feel relief?
Would you like to begin to take steps to really move forward in your life?

Meet Karen O'Neill
Hello I’m Karen. It has been my pleasure to treat people of all ages young and old with many complaints and conditions specialising in chronic pain, anxiety and physical and emotional trauma.
Often people have struggled for years not wanting to admit they needed help. Although in the back of their mind they knew something was amiss. They may have tried many things but still suffer - sometimes in silence.
After working with bodies for over 20 years I know that our bodies hold the key. Symptoms can manifest from all different aspects of life. When we stop and deeply listen to them, accessing your own inner power, you can move away from your pain, suffering and illness. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a powerful tool to stimulate the brain to make new connections, there is often a feeling of deep relaxation, an unfolding and a letting go of long held tension, fears and trauma followed by a reorganisation in the body. Giving you more freedom and choice, to have the clarity to move forward.
I practice a range of bodywork including Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), Specialised Remedial Massage and Herbal Medicine & Nutrition which aims to restore your body, so that it can protect, regulate and heal itself.

You are in the right place.
There is no shame in what you are feeling.
And it's not your fault.
I'm here to tell you, it's going to be ok...
I can help you restore yourself back to Stillness,
back to your true self
I will support you so that you can come home to the real you to live your life for a Healthier & Happier You.

Life may have pain and difficulties but it doesn’t mean
you have to live with them…
Now is the time…
Trust and Discover the Benefits
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
for Relaxation & Pain Relief.
Herbal Medicine for Health Promotion of
Chronic & Acute Illness
Remedial Massage for Muscle
Release, Relaxation & Recovery

It costs money to stay healthy but it's even more expensive to get sick "Gecko & Fly"

Remedial Massage
Remedial massage uses a range of techniques to identify and manage a range of soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries and assists with prevention of such injuries. Karen incorporates a range of techniques for maximum benefit, which are tailored to the individual. Often including Positional Release offering pain free deep muscle release, Reflexology and Re-alignment of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Karen is also trained in lymphatic drainage for fluid retention and improved immunity.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Through a deep listening, presence and gentle touch, assisting the body's natural capacity for self-repair giving the client the ability to move forward. Clients often experience more resilience, energy, calmness and mental clarity. After a series of treatments many people notice an improvement or removal in their symptoms, experience greater vitality and a sense of well being. Although helpful for many conditions, it's particulary helpful for Pain, Injuries, Trauma, Pre-Post Surgery and Pre-Post Birth.
The neural and energy pathways on our feet are linked to all our body parts, by working the feet through reflexology there is corresponding stimulation in the respective body parts. This activates the healing process helping a range of disorders.
They say the eyes are the window to the soul. The Iris shows us the condition of the tissues in each area of your body. This can give us insight into past and present conditions as well as what you may have a predisposition to. Iridology is included in a Herbal medicine consult.
Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is common sense medicine. Getting to the root of the issue rather than masking the symptoms. Most conditions can be treated with a holistic approach, using evidence-based medicine of herbs which are prepared for each individual person along with a mineral or two.
A consultation includes Iridology and Nutrition.
A Healthy Diet has a lot to be said for. Making some adjustments for your health needs can go a long way in returning to good health.
Good nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, it can help promote your overall health.
Once you have returned to good health, I encourage you to maintain this with a healthy diet.

Your Health Starts Here

Contact Info
0401 427 156
6 Fitzroy Road Cromer NSW 2099